Principal Newsletter // October 3rd, 2023

Dear Appleton Community…

Parking Lot Safety Reminder - We Can Do Better

Folks, it worries me greatly that parents continue to drop off their children in dangerous ways. Last week alone, we had parents drop their kids off in the middle of H road to cross in front of traffic. Additionally, parents are letting kids out of their cars unassisted in the parking lot to cross in front of cars who are trying to leave the curb and enter into the main traffic lane. 

We practice fire drills, shelter-in-place drills, and lockdowns, all with with safety in mind. Will you join us by practicing safe drop off procedures for our beautiful children? This looks like;

  • Finding a place to park next to the curb and letting your kids out on the right side of the car.

  • Finding a parking spot in the lot and walking them safely to the front of the school.

  • NEVER letting your kids out on H road, or asking them to cross the parking lot by themselves.

  • ALWAYS watch for drivers behind you, and not blocking traffic. Not doing this creates a ripple effect behind you that can lead to some unsafe and problematic situations.

We know our parking lot can be busy, but please remain patient and follow the rules. This keeps the kids safe, and all the traffic moving forward. Thanks for your respect and effort on this, to keep our kids safe.

If you’d like a refresher on the parking lot rules, click HERE

Conference Time - Sign up now!

Conferences are October 13, 18 & 19.  Look for your confirmed times in today’s newsletter. Did you know that greater than 95% of Appleton parents attend their child’s conference?  Conferences are a great way to find out your child’s growth, what you can do to help your child, and give you reasons to hug your kid for their effort over the first quarter.

Custodial Appreciation Day

Monday, Oct. 2 was Custodial Appreciation Day. Mr. Clayton Newitt, Appleton’s Lead Custodian, has a hard job cleaning up after 500 students and staff every day. Yet, he and his team of Aryk Croley and Janice White make our building clean and safe every day.  A big Appleton thank you in appreciation to these valuable team members.

Halloween at Appleton

I know it is a little early but to help in your Halloween costume planning, here are the protocols for our Halloween celebration:

  • Parade - We will have a costume parade out on the north playground,weather permitting at 10:00 am on Tuesday, Oct. 31. In case of poor weather the parade will be canceled and will not be held in the hallways. 

  • No weapons or facsimiles of weapons. This includes: all martial arts weapons, bullets, bullet casings, all guns, all bladed props (swords, knives, scythe, tridents, etc.), bows and arrows. 

  • Parents/Guardians - Parents are allowed to participate in person at the parties and the parade. Parents will be asked to sign into the parade (a sign-up table will be set up on the north playground and for parties). 

Go Bookworms!

Corey Hafey - Principal, Appleton Elementary School

P.S…Reminder, No School for Students October 12, 13, 16


Principal Newsletter // October 10th, 2023


Principal Newsletter // SEPTEMBER 26th, 2023